Agilent data clean-up policy |
To optimize system performance, Agilent deletes inactive content from your eArray account. Content is considered inactive if it meets the following 2 conditions:
The content has not been edited or updated for 1 year
The content is not part of a custom design or library with "Submitted" status
The content types subject to the clean-up policy are:
Probes, probe groups, and microarray designs/sets (within application types: Expression, ChIP, CGH, SureSelect Capture Array, and microRNA)
Baits, bait groups, and libraries (within application types: SureSelect Target Enrichment and SureSelect RNA Enrichment)
Oligos, oligo sets, and mutagenesis libraries (within the Mutagenesis application type)
The content types NOT subject to the clean-up policy are:
Microarray designs in "Submitted" status, including the component probe groups and probes
SureSelect enrichment libraries in "Submitted" status, including the component bait groups and baits
Mutagenesis libraries in "Submitted" status, including the component oligo sets and oligos
Any design or library that you have previously ordered is in "Submitted" status and is therefore not subject to the clean-up policy.
eArray sends you two email warnings:
2 weeks before deletion
24 hours before deletion
The email warning includes a list of the content scheduled for deletion.
Will designs that I have placed orders
for be deleted?
No. If you have placed an order for the design in the past, Agilent will
never delete it.
I received a warning email that I have
a design with Draft status that is scheduled for deletion. How do I prevent
it from being deleted?
You can submit the design to Agilent manufacturing. Agilent does not delete
submitted content.
Some probes in my account are not associated
with any probe group or submitted design. Are these probes subject to
Yes. Agilent will delete these "orphan" probes from your workgroup
1 year after they were created. However, Agilent never deletes probes
that are part of a submitted design. If you want to keep these probes,
save them
in a probe group and then create and submit a design that includes
this probe group.
I have questions about this policy.
Whom do I contact?
Please contact your local Agilent support
team or Agilent Genomics Informatics Support.
phone (US and Canada): 800-227-9770, options 3-5-3