Annotation changes

The most common reason for annotation changes is the addition or removal of a sequence from a public database.

For example, if a probe aligns to a RefSeq transcript, then eArray uses that annotation. If a particular RefSeq transcript is withdrawn later, then the probe annotation could switch to a GenBank or Ensembl identifier.

Changes to the primary transcript annotation often cause several additional annotations to change, as they are derived by linkage to the primary transcript annotation. In addition, probe annotations can change when public databases change assignments of gene names, gene symbols, GO terms, and the like.

Agilent updates its probe annotation approximately every 3–4 months. For most application types, the eArray system contains only the most recent annotations.

microRNA annotation changes

Agilent updates microRNA probe annotation when new versions of the Sanger database become available. Several types of changes can occur:


See Also

What are the various kinds of annotation

How to monitor annotation changes