View public page statistics


When you publish content, eArray creates a public page based on the design. After you make the page viewable to visitors, you can see how many times visitors view your page, and you can track the number of downloads. You can also see the date that the page was last updated.

  1. Click the Public tab.

    A list of your public pages appears. To sort the list of pages based on the contents of a column, click an underlined column heading. To reverse the order of the sort, click the column heading again.

  2. In the Actions column, next to the desired public page, click Edit.

    The public page editor appears in a new window.

  3. Click the Information tab.

    The Information tab displays page statistics, including the number of times visitors have viewed your page, the number of downloads that have occurred from it, and the date your page was last updated.

  4. When you are finished viewing page statistics, click the window's close button close_button.gif .

See also

Publish content

Make public page viewable