// Adobe // Copyright© 1998-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. // RoboHelp_CSH.js // The Helper function for WebHelp Context Sensitive Help // Syntax: // function RH_ShowHelp(hParent, a_pszHelpFile, uCommand, dwData) // // hParent // Reserved - Use 0 // // pszHelpFile // WebHelp: // Path to help system start page ("http://www.myurl.com/help/help.htm" or "/help/help.htm") // For custom windows (defined in Help project), add ">" followed by the window name ("/help/help.htm>mywin") // // WebHelp Enterprise: // Path to RoboEngine server ("http://RoboEngine/roboapi.asp") // If automatic merging is turned off in RoboEngine Configuration Manager, specify the project name in the URL ("http://RoboEngine/roboapi.asp?project=myproject") // For custom windows (defined in Help project), add ">" followed by the window name ("http://RoboEngine/roboapi.asp>mywindow") // // uCommand // Command to display help. One of the following: // HH_HELP_CONTEXT // Displays the topic associated with the Map ID sent in dwData // if 0, then default topic is displayed. // The following display the default topic and the Search, Index, or TOC pane. // Note: The pane displayed in WebHelp Enterprise will always be the window's default pane. // HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH // HH_DISPLAY_INDEX // HH_DISPLAY_TOC // // dwData // Map ID associated with the topic to open (if using HH_HELP_CONTEXT), otherwise 0 // // Examples: //

Click for Help (map number 10)


Click for Help in custom window (map number 100)

// // Syntax: // function RH_Show_BrowserBasedHelp(hParent, strHelpPath, strCategory,strWnd, uCommand, nMapId) // // // hParent // Reserved - Use 0 // // strHelpPath Path to help system start page ("http://www.myurl.com/help/help.htm" or "/help/help.htm") // // strCategory Content Category defined in AIR SSL Dialog // // strWnd Name of custom window // // uCommand // Command to display help. One of the following: // HH_HELP_CONTEXT // Displays the topic associated with the Map ID sent in dwData // if 0, then default topic is displayed. // The following display the default topic and the Search, Index, or TOC pane. // HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH // HH_DISPLAY_INDEX // HH_DISPLAY_TOC // // nMapId Map ID associated with the topic to open (if using HH_HELP_CONTEXT), otherwise 0 // var gbNav6=false; var gbIE5=false; var gAgent=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var gbMac=(gAgent.indexOf("mac")!=-1); var gbSunOS=(gAgent.indexOf("sunos")!=-1); var gbOpera=(gAgent.indexOf("opera")!=-1); var HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC = 0; var HH_DISPLAY_TOC = 1; var HH_DISPLAY_INDEX = 2; var HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH = 3; var HH_HELP_CONTEXT = 15; var gVersion=navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase(); var gnVerMajor=parseInt(gVersion); var gnVerMinor=parseFloat(gVersion); if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1) { var nPos=gAgent.indexOf("msie"); if(nPos!=-1) { var nVersion=parseFloat(gAgent.substring(nPos+5)); if(nVersion>=5) gbIE5=true; } } if(gnVerMajor>=4) { if(navigator.appName=="Netscape") { if(gnVerMajor>=5) gbNav6=true; } } function RH_Show_BrowserBasedHelp(hParent, strHelpPath, strCategory,strWnd, uCommand, nMapId) { var a_pszHelpFile = ""; if (uCommand == HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC) { a_pszHelpFile = strHelpPath + "#"); if (nPos != -1) { strHelpPath = a_pszHelpFile.substring(0, nPos); strWnd = a_pszHelpFile.substring(nPos + 1); } if (a_pszContext.length > 0) { var slashCh = "/"; nPos = strHelpPath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (nPos == -1) { nPos = strHelpPath.lastIndexOf("\\"); slashCh = "\\"; } if (nPos != -1) strHelpPath = strHelpPath.substring(0, nPos + 1); else strHelpPath = ""; strHelpPath += a_pszContext; strHelpPath += slashCh; strHelpPath += a_pszContext; strHelpPath += ".htm"; } RH_ShowWebHelp(hParent, strHelpPath, strWnd, uCommand, dwData); } function RH_ShowHelp(hParent, a_pszHelpFile, uCommand, dwData) { // this function only support WebHelp var strHelpPath = a_pszHelpFile; var strWnd = ""; var nPos = a_pszHelpFile.indexOf(">"); if (nPos != -1) { strHelpPath = a_pszHelpFile.substring(0, nPos); strWnd = a_pszHelpFile.substring(nPos+1); } if (isServerBased(strHelpPath)) RH_ShowWebHelp_Server(hParent, strHelpPath, strWnd, uCommand, dwData); else RH_ShowWebHelp(hParent, strHelpPath, strWnd, uCommand, dwData); } function RH_OpenHelpTopic(a_pszHelpMainPage, a_pszRelTopicUrl) { // this function only support WebHelp var strHelpPath = a_pszHelpMainPage; var strWnd = ""; var nPos = a_pszHelpMainPage.indexOf(">"); if (nPos != -1) { strHelpPath = a_pszHelpMainPage.substring(0, nPos); strWnd = a_pszHelpMainPage.substring(nPos+1); } var a_pszHelpFile = ""; a_pszHelpFile = strHelpPath + "# 0) { var nPos = a_pszHelpFile.lastIndexOf('.'); if (nPos != -1 && a_pszHelpFile.length >= nPos + 4) { var sExt = a_pszHelpFile.substring(nPos, nPos + 4); if (sExt.toLowerCase() == ".htm") { return false; } } } return true; } function getElement(sID) { if(document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(sID); else if(document.all) return document.all(sID); return null; } function loadDataForBrowserBased(sFileName) { if(!getElement("dataDiv")) { if(!insertDataDivForBrowserBased()) { gsFileName=sFileName; return; } } var sHTML=""; sHTML+=""; var oDivCon=getElement("dataDiv"); if(oDivCon) { if(gbNav6) { if(oDivCon.getElementsByTagName&&oDivCon.getElementsByTagName("iFrame").length>0) { oDivCon.getElementsByTagName("iFrame")[0].src=sFileName; } else oDivCon.innerHTML=sHTML; } else oDivCon.innerHTML=sHTML; } } function loadData(sFileName) { if(!getElement("dataDiv")) { if(!insertDataDiv()) { gsFileName=sFileName; return; } } var sHTML=""; if(gbMac) sHTML+=""; else sHTML+=""; var oDivCon=getElement("dataDiv"); if(oDivCon) { if(gbNav6) { if(oDivCon.getElementsByTagName&&oDivCon.getElementsByTagName("iFrame").length>0) { oDivCon.getElementsByTagName("iFrame")[0].src=sFileName; } else oDivCon.innerHTML=sHTML; } else oDivCon.innerHTML=sHTML; } } function insertDataDivForBrowserBased() { var sHTML=""; sHTML+="
"; var obj = document.body; if (gbIE5) { obj.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", sHTML); } else { var r = obj.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.setStartBefore(obj); var parsedHTML = r.createContextualFragment(sHTML); obj.appendChild(parsedHTML); } return true; } function insertDataDiv() { var sHTML=""; if(gbMac) sHTML+="
"; else sHTML+="
"; var obj = document.body; if (gbIE5) { obj.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", sHTML); } else if (gbNav6) { var r = obj.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.setStartBefore(obj); var parsedHTML = r.createContextualFragment(sHTML); obj.appendChild(parsedHTML); } return true; }