SureGuide gRNA design files available for download

SureDesign offers several downloadable design files for SureGuide designs. See the table below for a description of each file.

File name


[design name]_Report.pdf

This PDF contains information on the input parameters for the design and a full description of each gRNA, including its sequence and secondary hits. This same information is provided in spreadsheet format in the Report text file.

[design name]_Report.txt

This text file contains the same information as the PDF report, but in tab-delimited text format.

[design name]_AllgRNA.txt

This file contains a list of all the gRNA sequences that SureDesign located in the target window, including the ones that were not selected for inclusion in the design.

[design name]_gRNA.txt

This file contains a list of all the gRNA sequences that were selected for inclusion in the design.

[design name]_AllSecondaryHits.txt

This file contains a list of the secondary hits for all the gRNA sequences that SureDesign located in the target window, including the ones that were not selected for inclusion in the design.

[design name]_Regions.bed

This BED file contains a single track of the target coordinates.

[design name]_Targets.txt

This file lists the target identifier that was entered when creating the design.



See Also

Download design files

SureGuide gRNA searching and ranking