Compare probe groups

eArray can compare two probe groups based either on the sequences of the probes in the probe groups, or the probes' unique Agilent probe names. See Probe group comparison methods. Both registered users and guest users can compare probe groups.

  1. Click the Workspace tab, or enter a collaboration.

  2. Search or browse for the desired probe groups.

    A search results pane appears with a list of probe groups that satisfy your search criteria. If there are many probe groups, eArray paginates the list. Use the Pages links above and below the list to navigate among the pages.

  3. Mark the check boxes next to the two probe groups that you wish to compare.

    If the probe groups that you want to compare are located on separate pages of the search results, select one of the probe groups, then go to the other page and select the other probe group. eArray remembers your first selection as you change pages.

  4. Click Compare.

    The Compare Probe Groups page appears.

  5. Select the following parameters:




Select one of these two options:

Probe Sequences – Compares the two probe groups based on the nucleotide sequences of the probes.

Unique Probe Names – Compares the two probe groups based on the Probe IDs of the probes.

Show Results with

Select one of these options. These options define the content of the returned comparison results.

Probes from Both Groups – A non-redundant set of all probes. That is, all probes are included from both groups with any duplicates removed.

Probes Common to Both Groups – Only the probes found both in the first probe group and in the second.

Probes from First Group Only – Probes found only in the first probe group, and not the second.

Probes from Second Group Only – Probes found only in the second probe group, but not the first.

  1. Click Compare.

    A search results pane lists the probes that satisfy your comparison parameters. To reverse the order of the sort, click the Probe ID column heading.

    You can save the comparison results as a probe group.

  2. Note:
    Probe group comparisons are not available for High Density (HD) or microRNA probe groups.

    You can compare two SNP probe groups, but you cannot compare a SNP probe group with a non-SNP probe group.

See also

Probe group comparison methods