Save comparison results as a probe group

After you compare two probe groups, you can save the comparison results as a new probe group. For information on comparing probe groups, see Probe group comparison methods and Compare probe groups. Only registered users can save comparison results as a probe group.

  1. Compare two probe groups.

    A search results pane lists the probes that satisfy your comparison parameters.

  2. Click Create Probe Group.

    The Create Probe Group page appears. The list of probes appears at the bottom of the page. Use the Pages links to navigate among multiple pages of probes.

  3. Set the following probe group attributes. All parameters are required unless otherwise indicated. The other attributes on this page are set by the system, and are read-only.



Probe Group Name

Type a name for the probe group. This name is the way eArray references the probe group in search results, probe group lists, view pages, and the like.


Select either Incomplete or Locked. By default, eArray creates your new probe group with a status of Incomplete. If you set  the status to Locked, you cannot further edit the probe group.


(Optional) Type a brief description.


(Optional) Type a keyword, or multiple keywords separated by pipe "|" characters, commas, or semicolons.


Select the folder where you want eArray to save the new probe group. Only the folders to which you have access appear in the list.

  1. If desired, add or remove probes from the probe list as described below. Note: You cannot add or remove probes from a SNP probe group.

To add probes:

      1. In the Search Results pane, click Add New Probes.
        A search page appears.

      2. Set parameters for a Search Standard Probes search or GO Search for probes, as available.

      3. Click Search.
        A search results pane lists the probes that match your search criteria.

      4. Select the desired probes.

      5. Click Add Probes To Probe Group.
        A dialog box appears.

      6. Click OK.
        eArray adds the selected probes to the probe group. A completion message appears.

      7. Click Close.

To remove probes

      1. In the Search Results pane, select the probes you want to remove.

      2. Click Remove Probes.
        A dialog box appears, asking if you are sure you want to remove the probes from the probe group.

      3. Click OK.
        eArray removes the selected probes from the Search Results pane, and displays a completion message.

      4. Click Close.

  1. Click Save Probe Group.

    eArray creates and saves the specified probe group. A message appears.

    If the probe group is large, eArray creates the probe group in the background as a separate job. You receive an e-mail when this job finishes. You can also monitor the status of the job on your workspace or collaboration home page in the Pending Jobs pane.

  2. Click Close.

  3. Note: Probe group comparisons are not available for High Density (HD) or microRNA probe groups.

See also

Ways to create probe groups

Edit Probe Group