The functionality described in this topic is only available when you mark Show Advanced Options.

ChIP advanced wizard:

Add/Review Content

Select Existing Probes

Select Probe Source

Select probes by Probe ID


This screen of the advanced ChIP wizard is for selecting specific probes from an existing design or probegroup by entering the Probe IDs of the desired probes. SureDesign will then search the probes in the existing design/probegroup to locate the ones that match the specified Probe IDs, and add those probes to the new design.

Screen 1 - Probe IDs

In the Probe IDs text area, enter the Probe IDs of the probes that you want to add to your design using either of the following approaches:

·        Type or paste the Probe IDs directly into the text area. List one Probe ID per line.

·        Click Upload to browse to a text file (*.txt) that lists the Probe IDs (one Probe ID per line).

The Probe IDs for an existing design are listed in the design's probes.txt file. See Download design files for information on how to download this file for a particular design.

Click Next to continue to Screen 2.

Screen 2 - Target Summary

This screen provides a summary that indicates the number of Probe IDs that you entered on the previous screen. Review the summary before proceeding. When you are finished, click Pick Probes. The program will search the selected probe source for probes with the Probe IDs that you entered.

Probegroup Name

SureDesign automatically populates the Probegroup Name field with a default name. To change the name, type a new name into the field.

Target Summary

The Target Summary area displays the total number of probe IDs that you entered on the previous screen.

To submit the design for probe picking:

  1. Click Pick Probes.

    A message box opens indicating the e-mail address where Agilent will contact you when the probe selection job is complete. If desired, you can enter additional e-mail addresses into the provided field.

  2. Click OK in the notification message to submit the design to SureDesign.

    Your submission is placed in the SureDesign job queue to await probe selection.

    The wizard takes you to the Add/Review Content screen. The new probegroup appears in the Probegroup Summary table. The # Targets column of the table lists Processing until the probe selection job is complete. Click the refresh icon to see updates to this column.

    You receive an e-mail from Agilent SureDesign notifying you when your job is complete. In order to finalize the design, you must wait until your probe selection job is complete.