Manage Custom Transcriptomes dialog box

To open the Manage Custom Transcriptomes dialog box: From the Select a wizard with advanced options screen, in the Miscellaneous section, click Manage Custom Transcriptomes.

The Manage Custom Transcriptomes dialog box has tools for:

·        Adding a new custom transcriptome to your workgroup.

·        Deleting an existing custom transcriptome from your workgroup.

The file containing the transcriptome sequences must be FASTA format file (file extension fa, fas, fna, fasta, or seq). Save this file to a compressed folder (*.zip or *.gz). Each custom transcriptome file can contain sequences for up to 300,000 transcripts. The size of the compressed folder cannot exceed 120 MB.

To add a new custom transcriptome:

  1. Click Add Transcriptome.
    A new internet browser window opens with the Transcriptome File Upload screen.
  2. On the Transcriptome File Upload screen, use the fields and drop-down lists to provide information about the new transcriptome.
    Species - the species of the transcriptome
    Build Version - the genome build on which the transcriptome sequence is based; may be not applicable for some species
    Transcriptome Version - a user-defined version number for the transcriptome; version numbers must be 2-50 characters in length
    Description - an optional description of the transcriptome
  3. Click Choose File and Upload.
    The Choose File to Upload dialog box opens.
  4. Navigate to the zip folder that contains the FASTA file of the transcriptome sequence. Select the file and click Open.
    The dialog box closes and the Transcriptome File Upload screen shows the progress of the file upload.
    SureDesign sends you an email notification when the upload successfully completes. In the event of an upload failure, SureDesign sends an email notification describing the error.

To delete a custom transcriptome:

  1. In the table, locate the transcriptome to be deleted.
  2. In the row for that transcriptome, click Delete (located in the Actions column of the table).
    A message box opens asking you to confirm deletion of the transcriptome. Click OK to continue.