The functionality described in this topic is only available when you mark Show Advanced Options.

SureGuide advanced wizard:


In this step, review the gRNAs that SureDesign created during the search job. This step is only available for guidegroups created with the Create gRNAs option for adding content.

The gRNA Create Summary section displays a summary of the gRNA search job with the following information.

·        # Regions - number of continuous genomic regions submitted to the search job

·        # Covered Regions - number of continuous genomic regions for which gRNAs were found (these regions are listed in the table at the bottom of the screen)

·        # Missed Regions - number of continuous genomic regions submitted to the search job for which no gRNAs were found

·        # Selected gRNAs - number of gRNAs currently selected for inclusion in the design

·        # Total gRNAs - total number of gRNAs identified in the search job

The table below the summary information lists the covered regions and displays the total number of gRNAs identified for that region (Total gRNAs column) as well as the number of gRNAs currently selected for inclusion in the design (Selected gRNAs column).

Click Review in the Action column for a region to open the Select gRNAs step. Note that you will need to access the Select gRNAs step for each region listed on the Summary step.