The functionality described in this topic is only available when you mark Show Advanced Options.

SureGuide advanced wizard:

Finalize/Design Complete

In this step, edit the flanking sequences as needed then click Finalize Design to finish the design creation process.

Flanking Sequence

The flanking sequences that are to be added to the 3' end and 5' end of each gRNA are displayed in the fields in the Flanking Sequences section. Review the sequences and make any desired edits as needed.

After clicking Finalize Design, the wizard window updates to the Design Complete step.

Use the action buttons at the bottom of the Finalize Design window to take further action on the design:

·        Click Mark as Favorite to add the design to your list of favorites. The design will appear in the Designs: Recent and Favorites dashboard on the Home screen.

·        Click Download to download one or more design files, including a formatted PDF report that summarizes key information on the design.

These action buttons are also available from the design details window.