The functionality described in this topic is only available when you mark Show Advanced Options.

SureSelect advanced wizard: Combined Design

Select Catalog and Spike-in Design

The Select Spike-in Design screen allows you to select both a Catalog Design and a Spike-in Design for your new Combined Design. When creating a Combined Design, the only available workspace is My Workgroup. The Probe Source table will only display custom SureSelect designs/probegroups for selection.

To specify the Catalog and Spike-in Design for your Combined Design:

  1. Select your desired Catalog Design from the Catalog Design drop-down list.
     NOTE  When creating a Combined Design, the only available workspace is My Workgroup. The Probe Source table will only display custom SureSelect designs or probegroups.

  2. Use the Folder field to choose the folder that is the source of your Spike-in Design.  The content in the Spike-in Design table will update accordingly to reflect your Folder choice. To change the selection, click the Select hyperlink next to the Folder field to open the Select Folder dialog box. Locate the folder that contains your desired design or probegroup. Mark the check box for that folder and click OK.

  3. Choose your Spike-in Design from the table displayed. In the Name column, you can move your cursor over a name to display a text box summarizing some of the details for that design. In the Select column, mark the check box for the design that you want to designate as the probe source.

  4. When you have the desired content selected, click Next to proceed to the Finalize screen.