Select an application type


In eArray you can work with content for many different application types. Selecting the appropriate application type for your experiments is critical to accessing the eArray content that you need. Review the table below for information on the available application types.

Application type



Create custom microarrays for gene expression studies. If you want to create Exon microarrays or a microarray that contains probes for large intergenic non-coding RNA (lincRNA), you also select the Expression application type.


Create custom microarrays for array-based comparative genomic hybridization studies. If you want to create a CGH+SNP microarray, you also select the CGH application type.


Create custom microarrays for chromatin immunoprecipitation studies. This application type is also known as ChIP-on-chip.


Create custom microarrays for microRNA studies.

SureSelect Capture Array

Create custom microarrays for array-based DNA capture. You can use these microarrays to harvest genomic fragments of interest for sequencing.

SureSelect Target Enrichment

Create custom oligonucleotide bait libraries that you can use to harvest genomic fragments of interest for sequencing. See Learn about SureSelect Target Enrichment libraries.

SureSelect RNA Enrichment

Create custom oligonucleotide bait libraries that you can use to enrich specific RNA species in a pool of RNAs for sequencing. See SureSelect RNA Enrichment libraries.


Create libraries of mutagenic oligos that you can use with Agilent's QuikChange Oligo Library Mutagenesis System. See Learn about mutagenesis libraries.

You can change the application type at any time.

  1. Click the Workspace tab, or enter a collaboration.

    The Application Type drop-down list near the upper right corner of the screen shows the currently selected application type.

  2. Expand the Application Type drop-down list, and select the desired application type.

eArray sets the new application type.

The next time you log in, eArray will open in the newly selected application type.

See also

Learn to navigate eArray

Learn about eArray content types