Create a new probe group using a SNP probe search


The SNP probes in eArray are specifically designed for the Agilent CGH+SNP microarray platform, which includes CGH and SNP probes on the same microarray. See Create a CGH+SNP microarray. You can use the results of a SNP probe search to create a new probe group that contains the probes that are returned by the search. You then include the SNP probe group, along with CGH probe group(s), in a microarray design. SNP probe groups are a special type of probe group with a control type of snp, and they can only contain SNP probes. eArray lets you create one probe group from each set of SNP probe search results.

  1. Submit a search for SNP probes.

    eArray adds the search job to the Search Result pane at the bottom of the search page. When the status of the search job is Complete, you can view the search results and create a probe group that contains the returned probes.

    If the desired search does not appear, you may need to click Refresh to display the most current list of jobs, or use the Pages links to go to a different page of SNP search jobs.

    Click an underlined column heading to sort the list of jobs based on the contents of the column. Click the heading again to reverse the order of the items in the list.

  2. In the Actions column of the Search Result pane, next to the desired SNP probe search job, click View.

    The results of the job appear in a new window. The Summary Result tab is visible. Other tabs can appear. See View SNP probe search results.

  3. At the bottom of the page, click Create Probe Group. If this button does not appear, a probe group may already have been created with the given set of SNP probe search results.

    The Create Probe Group page appears.

  1. Set the following probe group parameters. Parameters are required unless otherwise indicated. The parameters that do not appear in the table below are set by the system, and are read-only.



Probe Group Name

Type a name for the probe group. eArray uses this name to reference the probe group in search results, probe group lists, view pages, and the like.


Select either Incomplete or Locked. By default, eArray creates your new probe group with a status of Incomplete, which allows editing. If you set the status to Locked, you will not be able to edit probe group. Locked probe groups cannot be unlocked.


(Optional) Type a brief description.


(Optional) Type a keyword, or multiple keywords separated by pipe "|" characters, commas, or semicolons. eArray uses the keywords for search and browse functions.


Select a folder. eArray will save the new probe group to this location. Only the folders to which you have access appear in the list.

  1. Click Create Probe Group.

    A message tells you that the probe group was created successfully.

  2. Click Close.

    You can search or browse for the probe group, edit it, and use it in a microarray design.

See also

Search for SNP probes

Ways to create microarray designs/sets