Edit probe group

You can change the information associated with a probe group, such as its name or associated keywords, and you can also add or remove probes from the probe group.

Before you edit a probe group

To edit a probe group

  1. Search or Browse for the desired probe group.

  2. In Actions column of the search results, next to the desired probe group, click Edit.

    The Edit Probe Group page lists the current attributes of the probe group.

  3. Make changes to any of the following probe group attributes. The other items on the page are determined by the system, and are read-only.



Probe Group Name

Type a new name for the probe group. This name is the way eArray references the probe group in search results, probe group lists, view pages, and the like.


Select either Incomplete or Locked. By default, eArray creates new probe groups with a status of Incomplete, which allows editing. If you set the status to Locked, you cannot further edit the probe group.


(Optional) Type a brief description.


(Optional) Type a keyword, or multiple keywords separated by pipe "|" characters, commas, or semicolons. Keywords can make the probe group easier to find during a probe group search. Also, the Browse Probe Group function uses keywords as the basis for selecting probe groups when you display workgroup content by category.

Search Criteria

Click Click Here, if it appears, to view the most recent criteria used to search probes contained in the probe group. The search criteria appear in a new window. The search criteria can give you additional insight into how the probes in the probe group were selected.

You can also use the search criteria that appear to add probes to the probe group. Edit the search criteria on the page as desired, then click Search. When search results appear, select the desired probes, then click Add Probes to Probe Group. You can also use the procedure described in Step 4, below, to add probes.


Select the destination folder for the probe group. Only the folders to which you have access appear in the list.

  1. If desired, add or remove probes from the probe list, as described below.

To add probes:

      1. In the Search Results pane, click Add New Probes.
        A search page appears.

      2. Set parameters for a Search Standard Probes search or GO Search, as available for your application type. For Exon probe groups, you can also use an Exon probe search.

      3. Click Search.
        A search results pane lists the probes that match your search criteria.

      4. Select the desired probes. To select a probe, mark its check box. eArray remembers your selections as you navigate from page to page. To select all probes on the current page, mark the check box in the column heading. To select all probes in the search results, mark Select Entire Result.

      5. Click Add Probes to Probe Group.
        A dialog box appears.

      6. Click OK.
        eArray adds the selected probes to the probe list. A success message appears.

      7. Click Close.

To remove probes:

      1. In the Search Results pane, select the probes that you want to remove. To select a probe, mark its check box. eArray remembers your selections as you go from page to page. To select all of the probes on a page, mark the check box in the row of column headings.

      2. Click Remove Probes.
        A dialog box appears.

      3. Click OK.
        eArray removes the selected probes from the probe list.

      4. Click Close.

    • Note:
      You cannot change the probe content of an HD probe group. However, if you copy an HD probe group, the new probe group is marked as a non-HD probe group, and you can add or remove probes as desired.

      You can add any type of Expression probe to an Exon probe group. However, you cannot add Exon probes to a standard Expression probe group.

      You cannot add or remove probes from a SNP probe group.

  1. Click Save Probe Group.

    eArray saves the specified probe group. A message warns you not to refresh your browser or take any other action.

    A success message appears.

  2. Click Close.

See also

Ways to create probe groups

Delete probe group

Search probe groups