Create new probe group using Genomic Tiling


Genomic Tiling creates CGH, ChIP, and SureSelect Capture Array type probes that span defined genomic intervals at even intervals. You can use the probes that Genomic Tiling generates to create a new probe group. The new probe group has the same name as the Genomic Tiling job.

Before you can create a new probe group with Genomic Tiling, you must set up a Genomic Tiling job, and submit it to Agilent for processing. When your job is complete, it appears in the Search Results pane on the Genomic Tiling page with a status of Completed. eArray lets you create a probe group with the following procedure once for each set of Genomic Tiling results. If you need more than one copy or version of this probe group, use the Copy Probe Group function.

  1. Click the Workspace tab.

  2. Set the application type to CGH, ChIP, or SureSelect Capture Array.

  3. Click Probe > Genomic Tiling.

    The Genomic Tiling page appears. A search results pane appears at the bottom of the page with your current Genomic Tiling jobs.

  4. In the Actions column of the Search Results pane, next to the desired completed job, click Create Probe Group.

    A message informs you that your probe group creation job has been submitted.

    When eArray finishes creating your probe group, you receive an e-mail. You can then search and browse for the new probe group, and use it in a new microarray design or set. The new probe group has the same name as the corresponding Genomic Tiling job.

  5. Click Exit.

See also

Set up a Genomic Tiling job

Delete Genomic Tiling job

Ways to create probe groups

Overview of working with probe groups