How do I register?

eArray organizes user accounts into workgroups. Typically, a workgroup contains users from a lab or other unit within an organization, but workgroups can also contain a single user, or a group of users in an organization with shared research interests. An eArray workgroup administrator sets up the system for the workgroup, and manages its folders and accounts.

You can register in two ways:

To join an existing workgroup

To become a registered user in an existing workgroup, ask its workgroup administrator to set up a user account for you and register you in eArray. Your e-mail address becomes your login name, and your workgroup administrator gives you an initial password.

You can also start the registration process yourself from the eArray home page:

  1. Obtain the following information from your eArray workgroup administrator:

    • The precise name of your workgroup

    • The precise name and address of your organization

  2. Go to

    The eArray Login page appears.

  3. In the User Login pane, click Request for Registration.

    The Request for Registration page appears.

  4. Provide the information requested on the page. Be sure to note the following details:

    • In Workgroup Name, type the precise name for your workgroup provided by your workgroup administrator. eArray uses this name to determine which existing workgroup to add you to.

    • eArray uses your e-mail address as your login name. Thus, you do not provide a separate login name.

    • Your password must be at least eight characters long, and it is case-sensitive. The first eight characters of your password must contain at least two alphabetical characters, at least one non-alphabetical character, and at least four different characters.

    • Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  5. Click Send Request.

    If the Admin Details page appears, you may have mistyped your workgroup name, or your workgroup may not yet be registered in eArray.

    If you provided a valid workgroup name, a dialog box informs you that the workgroup already exists in the system.

  6. Verify that the name of the workgroup in the dialog box is the one that you want to join, then click OK.

    The Received Request for Registration page appears. Agilent sends you a confirmation e-mail.

    eArray also sends an e-mail to your workgroup administrator. Your workgroup administrator must enable your user account before you can log in and work within eArray as a registered user. After your workgroup administrator enables your account, Agilent sends you a welcome e-mail.

    After you receive the welcome e-mail, you can log in to eArray.


To register a new workgroup and join it

You can establish a new workgroup in eArray. You, or the person you designate, becomes the workgroup administrator, and creates additional user accounts and sets up eArray for the workgroup.

  1. Go to

    The eArray Login page appears.

  2. In the User Login pane, click Request for Registration.

    The Request for Registration page appears.

  3. Provide the information requested on the page. Be sure to note the following details:

    • Provide a  workgroup name that reflects the size of your workgroup.  For example, If you are a researcher within Tim Johnson´s Lab at Ohio State University, name the workgroup OSU - Johnson Lab, instead of Ohio State or OSU. Note exactly what you type in Workgroup Name. Users who initiate the registration process themselves through eArray will need to know this name to successfully join the workgroup.

    • eArray uses your e-mail address as your login name. Thus, you do not provide a separate login name.

    • Your password must be at least eight characters long, and it is case-sensitive. The first eight characters of your password must contain at least two alphabetical characters, at least one non-alphabetical character, and at least four different characters.

    • Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  1. Click Send Request.

    The Admin Details page appears. If this page does not appear, your workgroup may already be registered in eArray.

  2. In Administration Details, mark Same as User Details, unless you want to designate someone else as the workgroup administrator.

  3. Click Send Request.

    A confirmation page appears.

    Agilent sends you an e-mail. After you receive this e-mail, you must activate your account before you can log in to eArray.

  4. To activate your account, follow these steps:

    1. Open and read the e-mail message from Agilent.

    2. Click the link in the e-mail.
      Your Web browser opens to the eArray Account Activation page.

    3. In Enter the above text, type the special text that you see.

    4. In Enter your password, type the password you provided in your request for registration.

    5. Click Activate.
      A success message appears, and Agilent sends you two confirmation e-mails.

    6. Click Close.
      You can now log in to eArray. See How do I log in.

As the workgroup administrator, you can create and enable additional user accounts. See Tasks a workgroup administrator can perform.

See also

System requirements

Create new user