How to search probe groups

A probe group search returns probe groups that satisfy the search criteria you set. You have two options for probe group searches: Simple and Advanced. In both Simple and Advanced probe group searches, each search parameter can take a single value, and a search string you specify can represent all or part of the term. For example, if you specify genome as a name to be searched, Simple Search returns, potentially, probe groups with names of Human genome, Rat genome, genome Q55, and the like. Probe group searches are not case-sensitive. Advanced search enables you to specify more criteria. Simple and Advanced probe group searches are available for all microarray application types.

You can customize eArray to pre-set certain search parameters. You can also customize the content and column order of search results. See Set user preferences.

  1. Click the Workspace tab, or enter a collaboration.

  2. Set the application type.

  3. Click Probe Group.

    The Probe Group Search page appears.

  4. By default, eArray performs a Simple probe group search. To do an Advanced Search, click Advanced Search at the bottom of the pane.

  5. Set the following search parameters. All are optional, except Folder. Only some of these parameters may be available, depending on the type of search. You can click Reset at any time to start over.



Probe Group Name

Type all or part of a probe group name.


(Required) Select a specific folder to search. The list contains the names of folders you can access. Select ALL, if it appears, to search in all folders available to you. If you want to search the subfolders of folders as well, mark Include subfolders.


Type all or part of a keyword.

Probe Group Category

(Available for the CGH and Expression application types only) Select the desired category:

  • All – Returns probe groups without regard to their category.

  • CGH – (CGH application type only) Returns only standard CGH probe groups, including CGH-HD probe groups.

  • CGH+SNP – (CGH application type only) Returns only probe groups that contain Agilent SNP probes.

  • Exon – (Expression application type only) Returns only probe groups that were created using an Exon probe search.

  • Standard – (Expression application type only) Returns only standard gene expression probe groups.

Created by

(Advanced Search only) Type all or part of the name of the person who created the probe group. This search parameter is case-sensitive.

Date Created

(Advanced Search only) In From, click , then select the first day in the range of dates you want to search. In To, select the last day.

  1. Click Search.

    eArray performs the requested probe group search. A search results pane lists the probe groups that match your search criteria. You can customize this list, and also use it to take action on specific probe groups. For details, see What can be done with probe group search results.

See also

Why search for probe groups

What can be done with probe group search results

Working with probe groups