Search for mutagenesis oligo sets


An oligo set search returns oligo sets that satisfy the search criteria that you enter. You can then take several actions on the retrieved oligo sets.

  1. Click the Workspace tab.

  2. Set the application type to Mutagenesis.

  3. Click Oligo Sets.

    The oligo set search page appears.

  4. Enter the desired search parameters. All parameters are optional. You can click Reset at any time to start over.

Search criterion


Oligo Set Name

Type all or part of a oligo set name. The search limits returned oligo sets to those whose names include the search string.


Select a specific folder to search. The list contains the names of folders to which you have access. If you select a folder, and you also want to search its subfolders, mark Include subfolders. To search all folders available to you, select All.

Created by

Type all or part of a person's name. The search limits returned oligo sets to those created by people whose names contain the search string.

Created Date

Click calendar_icon.gif next to the From and To boxes. For each, select the desired date from the calendar that appears. The search limits returned oligo sets to those that were created between the From and To dates.

Host Name

Select the name of the desired protein expression host. The search limits returned oligo sets to those that were designed for the selected host. To return oligo sets without regard to host type, select All.

  1. Click Search.

    eArray performs the requested oligo set search. A search results pane lists the oligo sets that match your search criteria. To navigate the search results, use the following as a guide:

To take action on a retrieved oligo set in the Search Results pane, click a link in the Actions column. See the following topics for details:

View mutagenesis oligo set

Download mutagenesis oligo set

Delete mutagenesis oligo set