Set up a CGH/ChIP Probe Scoring job


If you have non-Agilent CGH or ChIP probes, eArray can calculate probe performance scores for them. A probe performance score is a value between 0 and 1. The higher the score, the greater the likelihood that a probe will produce a good log ratio response when it is used in a CGH or ChIP microarray on the Agilent platform. In addition, eArray provides other analyses based on sequence.

eArray stores probe performance scores with probes in the main probe database. You can create a custom probe filter that uses the scores to include or exclude probes from probe lists in search results. Also, eArray includes probe performance scores in the GEML file that you can download after you complete a microarray design or set. This lets you import the scores into DNA Analytics, and use them in downstream analyses to color-code or filter data values.

Additional information from Agilent about CGH Probe Scores

Before you set up a CGH/ChIP Probe Scoring job


To set up a CGH/ChIP Probe Scoring job

  1. Set the Application type to CGH or ChIP.

  2. Click the Workspace tab, or enter a collaboration.

  3. Click Probe > Probe Score.

    A Job Details page appears.

  4. Set the following parameters. All are required.



Job Name

Type a name for the probe scoring job. eArray uses this name to refer to the job in job lists, notifications, and the like.

Probe Group

This is the name of the probe group that contains the probes to be scored. To select a probe group, click Select and Add. For instructions on how to use the dialog box that appears, see Select probe groups for probe searches.


Select the species associated with the probes that you want to score. Probe scoring is available only for the species that appear in the list.

  1. Click Score Probes.

    A message informs you that your probe scoring job has been submitted, and that you will receive an e-mail when the job is finished.

  2. Click Close.

    A Search Results pane appears. The new probe scoring job appears in the pane, and you can monitor the progress of the job in the Status column.

    After eArray finishes the job, you can take action on the job and its results. See these topics: