Use a wizard to create a microarray design/set

Design Wizards lead you step-by-step through several of eArray's microarray design creation processes. Available wizards include:

The availability of wizards varies by application type. Also, a separate topic describes the wizards that are available for the SureSelect Target Enrichment application type—see Libraries and library sets.

To use a wizard

  1. Click the Workspace tab, or enter a collaboration.

  2. Set the application type.

  3. Click the Home tab.

    The home page of the workspace appears.

  4. In the Design Wizards pane, select the desired wizard. If the desired wizard does not appear in the list, you may need to change the application type to one appropriate for the wizard.

  5. Click Next.

    The selected wizard appears in a new window.

    During one or more steps of each wizard, you may need to submit jobs to eArray to upload files, create probes, or the like. At these points, eArray pauses the wizard, and you must wait for eArray to finish the specific job. This can up to 24 hours or more.

    The Search Results at the bottom of the Create Design Wizards pane displays all of the wizards that you have begun. You can monitor the progress of each in the Status column, and use the links in the Actions column to act on them, as appropriate. If you do not see your wizard in the list, you may need to click Refresh to view the most current version of the list, or View All to display the complete list.

For specific details about the settings and parameters in each wizard, see:

Create design from target transcripts (Wizard)

Create design by uploading probes (Wizard)

Create design from existing probe groups (Wizard)

Create design from HD CGH/ChIP database probes (Wizard)

See also

Ways to create microarray designs/sets

About Gene Expression (GE) Probe Design

Custom microarray design guidance