Ways to create custom microarray designs/sets

To create microarray designs and sets, you must be an eArray registered user.

A microarray design consists of one or more probe groups that have been organized onto the slide in a specified layout. The design includes information on the organization and location of probes on the slide, as well as the quantity of probes, types of probes and other design details. When you want your slide to include more probes than a particular design format can accommodate, you can group your designs to create a microarray set, which accommodates your full complement of probes over multiple slides. In eArray, you do not have to decide ahead of time whether to create a design or to create a set—you can select the probes that you want, and try out many potential configurations. Microarray sets do have a few limitations:

When you create a custom microarray design or set, you create the exact specifications that Agilent Manufacturing can use to produce microarray slide(s) for your experiments. To create microarray designs and sets, you must be an eArray registered user. eArray can guide you step-by-step through the microarray creation process. See Use a wizard to create a microarray design/set. Also, aAs you design your microarray, read Agilent's custom microarray design guidance document for your specific application type.

In eArray, you can create a new microarray design in several ways:

During the array design process, consider using Array Calculator to calculate microarray statistics and to help you choose the best design format.

See also

Overview of working with probes

Overview of working with probe groups