Accept/Reject an invitation to a collaboration

If you have received an invitation to become a member or a share user of a collaboration, you can accept or reject the invitation.

To accept the invitation

  1. If you are already logged in to eArray, skip to step 5.

  2. In the invitation e-mail, click the link under To join the collaboration.

    If you are not a registered user, the link opens your Web browser and opens the eArray registration page. After you register, you can log in to eArray and join the collaboration.

    If you are a registered user, the link opens your Web browser and opens the eArray login page.

  3. Type your login name and password, then click Log In.

    If this is the first time you have logged in, the eArray Terms of Use appear.

  4. Read the eArray Terms of Use, if they appear, then click Accept. You must accept the Terms of Use to use eArray and participate in a collaboration.

  5. Click the Collaboration tab.

    The collaboration main page appears. The names of the collaborations to which you have been invited appear in the Invitations to me pane. If you have many invitations, you may need to click Show All to see the desired invitation.

  6. In the Actions column of the Invitations to me pane, next to the desired invitation, click Accept.

    A message appears, informing you that you have successfully accepted the invitation.

  7. Click Close.

    If the Collaboration Terms of Use page appears, read the Terms of Use, then click Accept. You must accept the Collaboration Terms of Use to participate in a collaboration.

    eArray returns you to the Collaboration main page. The specific collaboration appears in the Ongoing Collaborations pane, where you can enter the collaboration, or remove yourself from the collaboration. If you are a collaboration member (not a share user), you can also invite others to join the collaboration.

To reject the invitation

See also

About collaborations

Roles in a collaboration

Create a collaboration