Check/View Genomic Tiling jobs


Genomic Tiling creates probes for CGH, ChIP, and SureSelect Capture Array applications that span specified regions of a genome at even intervals. You can check the status of any of your current Genomic Tiling jobs, and if a job has a status of Completed, you can also view its results.

  1. Click the Workspace tab. Genomic Tiling is not available within a collaboration.

  2. Set the application type to CGH, ChIP, or SureSelect Capture Array.

  3. Click Probe > Genomic Tiling.

    The Genomic Tiling page appears. A search results pane appears at the bottom of the page with your current Genomic Tiling jobs.

  4. Locate the desired job in the Search Results pane at the bottom of the page. Its status appears in the Status column.

    eArray does not automatically update the list of jobs once it appears. Click Refresh to update the list to its most current form.

Status designations and what they mean



In queue

The job has been submitted to Agilent, but no action has been taken on it yet.


The job has been submitted to Agilent, and processing has begun.


The job has been completed by Agilent, and the results are available for your use.


The job has been submitted to Agilent, but there are problems. You must resubmit your job. eArray sends you an e-mail informing you of the error. This e-mail may contain additional information about the error.

  1. If the status of a job is Completed, you can view its detailed results. In the actions column of the list of jobs, next to the desired completed job, click View Design.

    The job's Tiling Design Details page opens in a new window.

  1. To view any of the available types of results, click the desired tab at the top of the page. These types of results are available:



Design Summary

Information of an overall nature about the set of probes produced by the Genomic Tiling process, including statistics on the length and number of probes.

Design Details

List of the probes generated by the Genomic Tiling process, with specific information about each probe, including its length, sequence, and the genomic interval from which it was derived.

Only the first ~100 probes appear.

Target Fate

List of the target genomic intervals used in the Genomic Tiling process, with information on which ones produced probes, and which did not.

Bed File

The first ~100 lines of the BED format track file derived from the Genomic Tiling results. You can download this file and use it in a compatible genome browser.

  1. After you finish viewing the results of your job, click Close.

    You can take other actions on the Genomic Tiling jobs in the Search Results pane. Depending on the status of the job, you can download the results, create a probe group from the results, and delete the job.

See also

Set up a Genomic Tiling job