Delete probes


You can permanently remove probes from eArray. You must be the owner of the probes, and the probes cannot be in use in any probe group, microarray design, or Express Array. This feature gives you a way to remove "orphan" probes that are not in use, or probes that you have uploaded or created in error. You cannot delete Agilent probes, such as probes in the AgilentCatalog folder, HD probes, or SNP probes.

  1. Perform a search for the desired probes. You can prepare and upload a file of the Probe IDs of the probes that you want to delete, and use this file to perform a probe search. See Search Standard Probes.

  2. In the Search Results pane, select the probes that you want to delete. Use the following as a guide:

  3. Click Delete.

    A dialog box appears.

  4. Caution: When you delete probes, you permanently remove them from eArray. To restore deleted probes, you must upload them or create them again.

  1. Click OK.

    A message tells you that your Delete Probes job has been submitted, and that you will receive an e-mail when eArray completes the job. You can monitor the progress of the job in the Pending Jobs pane on the workspace home page.

  2. Click Close.

    When eArray completes your job, you receive an e-mail, and the status of the job changes to Complete.

  3. Note: eArray may only be able to delete some of the probes that you select. If so, eArray deletes the probes that it can. The e-mail that you receive includes a list of the probes that you selected, and shows whether or not each probe was deleted.

See also

Overview of searching for probes

Delete probe group

Delete microarray designs/sets