Create Exon probe group from Exon probe search results


After you do an Exon probe search, you can create an Exon probe group that contains some or all of the probes that were returned by the search. You can use Exon probe groups in Exon microarrays, but not in standard Expression microarrays. Exon probe searches are available within the Expression application type.

  1. Do an Exon probe search.

    At the bottom of the search page, the probes that match your search criteria appear in the Search Results pane. The search results can contain both Exon probes and standard Expression probes that map to exons. Both types of probes can be included in an Exon probe group.

  2. Select the probes that you want to include in the new Exon probe group. Use the following as a guide:

  3. Click Create Probe Group.

    The Create Probe Group page appears. The selected probes appear at the bottom of the page. To go to a different page of probes, use the Pages links. The list is sorted by Probe ID.

  4. Set the following probe group parameters. All parameters are required unless otherwise indicated. The parameters that do not appear below are set by the system, and are read-only.



Probe Group Name

Type a name for the new Exon probe group. eArray uses this name to reference the probe group in search results, probe group lists, view pages, and the like.


Select either Incomplete or Locked. By default, eArray creates the new probe group with a status of Incomplete. If you set the status to Locked, you will not be able to further edit the probe group after you save it. Locked probe groups cannot be unlocked.


(Optional) Type a brief description.


(Optional) Type a search keyword, or multiple keywords separated by pipe "|" characters, commas, or semicolons.


Select a location for the new probe group. Only the folders to which you have access appear in the list.

  1. If desired, add or remove probes, as described below.

You can add any type of expression probe to an Exon probe group, including additional Exon probes and standard Expression probes.

  1. Note: If you save the new probe group with a status of Locked, you will not be able to subsequently add or remove probes, or otherwise change the probe group. In addition, locked probe groups cannot be unlocked.

  2. Click Save Probe Group.

    eArray creates and saves the probe group, and displays a message.

    If the probe group is large, eArray creates the probe group in the background as a separate job. You receive an e-mail when this job finishes. You can also monitor the status of the job on your workspace or collaboration home page in the Pending Jobs pane.

  3. Click Close.

See also

Create an Exon microarray

Edit probe group

Ways to create probe groups