What are the roles in a collaboration

When you create a collaboration, eArray automatically assigns you a role of collaboration lead. As a lead, you assign participants one of three roles — lead, member, or share user. You can reassign roles at any time. For more details on the tasks users with each of these roles can do, see Participate in a collaboration and Manage a collaboration.

Collaboration member

Collaboration members can work with all of the content associated with the collaboration, but they cannot complete or submit microarray designs and bait libraries, or remove users or assign them other roles. For example, members can review microarray designs, and add/edit probe groups in microarrays created within the collaboration. They can also invite others to participate as share users, subject to the approval of the collaboration lead. In addition, collaboration members can request quotes for microarrays and bait libraries, and buy microarrays and libraries from the Agilent Online Store through eArray.

Collaboration lead

A collaboration lead is a collaboration member with additional administrative privileges. Collaboration leads can manage the invitations to the collaboration and the users in the specific collaboration workspace. They are the only ones who can, even if they have not designed the microarrays or libraries themselves, give final approval for a microarray design or bait library (assign it a status of Complete) and submit it to Agilent Manufacturing.

Collaboration share user

Share users can only view and request quotes/buy the complete and submitted content in the specific collaboration workspace.

See also


Create a collaboration

Participate in a collaboration

Manage a collaboration