Search collaborations

Searching collaborations is especially useful if you are associated with many of them and want to find a specific collaboration, or a specific group of collaborations.

  1. Click the Collaboration tab. If you are currently in a specific collaboration workspace, click Collaborations List to exit the collaboration.

    The collaboration main page appears.

  2. In the Search Collaborations pane, set any of these search parameters:



Collaboration Name

Type all or part of the name of a collaboration.


Type the description of the collaboration. To retrieve a given collaboration, you must type a description that exactly matches the description of the desired collaboration.


Type all or part of a keyword associated with the collaboration.


Select the desired status:

  • All – Select this option to return available collaborations of any status.

  • Active A collaboration is available and all leads, members, and share users can participate in it.

  • Dissolving One of the collaboration leads has begun the process of deleting a collaboration, and is waiting for all of the other leads to approve the deletion.

  1. Click Search.

    Search results appear, with the collaborations that satisfy your search criteria. To navigate among multiple pages of collaborations, use the Pages links. To sort the list based on any column (except Actions), click the desired column heading. To reverse the order of the sort, click the heading again.

  2. In the Actions column, links appear next to each collaboration. Click a link to take the indicated action on the particular collaboration. You can take one or more of the following actions:




Enter the collaboration.


Invite others to join the collaboration.

Approve Invitations

(Collaboration leads only) Approve share user invitations that other users have sent.

Manage Users

(Collaboration leads only) Change users' collaboration roles or remove users.


Remove yourself from a collaboration. (Not available if you are the only collaboration lead.)


(Collaboration leads only) Begin the deletion process for the collaboration, or approve deletion.

See also

Participate in a collaboration

Administrative tasks for collaborations