About Genomic Tiling


Genomic Tiling creates probes for the CGH, ChIP, and SureSelect Capture Array applications types that span specified regions of a genome at even intervals. A genome build of your species of interest must exist in the eArray database. To see the list of supported species, look under Target File Details, in Species, when you set up a Genomic Tiling job. To specify the desired genomic intervals to tile, you either type them directly in eArray, or upload a file of chromosomal locations or cytobands. See Genomic interval formats. You can also use the Interval Finder tool to retrieve a list of genomic intervals that are associated with specific annotations.

You can define the density of probes in several ways:

In addition, you can:

After you set up a Genomic Tiling job, you submit it to Agilent for processing. When your Genomic Tiling job is finished, you can view and download the results, and  create a probe group based on the results.


Additional guidance from Agilent

How many CGH probes or what probe density do I need to target a given genomic region? Should I be concerned if CGH probes overlap one another?

For the CGH application, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the ‘Genomic Tiling’ function (under the “Probe” tab) compared to using Agilent HD-CGH Database Probes?

When designing CGH microarrays, how can I avoid GC-rich, high-Tm or repeat regions?

See also

Create new probe group using Genomic Tiling

Working with probes in eArray