Create a bait library


You can use eArray to design oligonucleotide bait libraries that can enrich specific RNA or DNA species in a pool of RNAs or genomic DNA fragments. Agilent can then manufacture a custom library of biotinylated RNA oligonucleotides that you can use to isolate the genomic DNA fragments or RNAs of interest for sequencing. Be sure to read SureSelect Target Enrichment libraries and SureSelect RNA Enrichment libraries for an overview.

  1. Search for or upload the desired baits. You can also create a population of baits that tiles genomic regions of interest or that tiles specific transcript sequences.

  2. Create bait group(s) with the baits.

  3. Create the library using the bait groups. You can also use existing Agilent Catalog bait groups for this purpose.

  4. Edit the library, as needed.

  5. Place the library in review, if desired, and wait for other users to make comments and changes.

  6. After enough review has occurred, complete the library, and submit it to Agilent Manufacturing.

  7. Download the library files for your reference. At this point, you can subscribe to update notification. If you do, Agilent sends you an e-mail if significant changes occur to the Agilent baits in your library, or to their associated annotation.

  8. Request a quote for the library or purchase it from the Agilent Online Store through eArray. You can start the quote/purchase request online from within eArray.

eArray also offers several design wizards that lead you through the custom library creation process. See SureSelect Target Enrichment libraries and SureSelect RNA Enrichment libraries. In addition, you can use eArray to create combined libraries, which let you add baits for additional genomic regions to certain existing Agilent Catalog libraries.

For the SureSelect Target Enrichment application type, after you create a custom bait library, you can also use it as the basis for a custom SureSelectXT kit. Agilent SureSelectXT kits offer a complete target enrichment workflow for next generation sequencing. For details, see SureSelectXT kits. The SureSelect Target Enrichment application type also lets you create custom library sets, which automatically spread baits over multiple libraries when you exceed the bait capacity of a single library.