Publish library on OpenGenomics is an Agilent-sponsored Web site that is dedicated to genomics-related news, presentations, research, products, and resources. The site also contains a repository of microarray designs and SureSelect enrichment libraries created in eArray by your colleagues around the world.

After you submit a custom library to Agilent, you can publish it on Each library that you publish appears on a separate, searchable library public page on the site. In addition to the files for the library, you can include descriptive information, a picture, and additional files and Web links. This service is also available for custom microarrays in other application types in eArray.

When you first publish your library, eArray hides the public page from view in OpenGenomics, which lets you edit the page before you publish it. When you are satisfied with your page, you make it viewable, and visitors to can then view it. If you permit it, visitors can also download the library files, view the details of the library in eArray, and/or order the library from Agilent.

The table below shows the publishing tasks that you can accomplish in eArray, and the topics to which you can refer for instructions and additional details.


Refer to these topics

Start the publishing process for a library

Publish content on OpenGenomics

Make changes to a library public page

Edit public page

Add or change the file(s), URL(s), and picture that are attached to a library public page

Add/edit attachments to a public page

See what a library public page will look like before you let others view it

Preview public page

Let others view a library public page

Make public page viewable

Hide a library public page so others cannot view it

Hide public page

Remove a library public page from the system

Delete public page

See how many times a library public page has been viewed by others, as well as other statistics about the page

View public page statistics

View the library public pages that you and other users have created

View published public pages