Search for Exon probes


An Exon probe search returns Agilent Exon probes from the eArray probe database, as well as standard Expression probes that map to exons. Exon probe searches are only available for the Expression application type. For general information about this type of search, see What is an Exon probe search.

  1. Click the Workspace tab, or enter a collaboration.

  2. Set the application type to Expression.

  3. Click Probe.

    The Search page appears.

  4. Select Search Exon Probes.

    The Exon Probe Search page appears.

  5. In Search Type, select the desired option, then enter the desired search term(s) as described below for the specific type of search that you selected. For search types other than ALL, the program supports only exact searches.

Search Type



In this type of search, you enter a single search term. eArray returns Exon probes that have any annotation or accession value that matches the search term.

  1. In Search Term(s), type the desired search term.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To return probes that have an annotation or accession value that exactly matches the search term, including case, mark Exact Search.

    • To return probes that have an annotation or accession value that contains the search term, without regard to case, clear Exact Search.

Probe ID

Type a probe ID in the box. Separate multiple IDs with pipe "|" characters.

Alternatively, to upload a file that contains the desired probe ID data, click Upload, then select the desired file. See Upload data for probe searches.

Gene Symbol

Type a valid gene symbol in the box. Separate multiple gene symbols with pipe "|" characters.

Alternatively, to upload a file that contains the desired gene symbol data, click Upload, then select the appropriate file. See Upload data for probe searches.


In Search Term(s), type a valid accession number, without its source. For example, for the accession ref|NM_123456, type only NM_123456. Separate multiple accessions with pipe "|" characters.

Alternatively, to upload a file that contains the desired accession data, click Upload, then select the desired file. See Upload data for probe searches.


Type a cytoband identifier in the box. Separate multiple cytobands with pipe "|" characters.

Alternatively, to upload a file that contains the desired cytoband data, click Upload, then select the appropriate file. See Upload data for probe searches and Genomic interval formats.

Chromosomal Location

Type a chromosomal location in the box, or multiple locations separated by pipe "|" characters. The search returns any probes that map to the exact genomic coordinates that you specify.

Alternatively, to upload a file that contains the desired chromosomal locations, click Upload, then select the appropriate file. See Upload data for probe searches.

  • Note: This type of search retrieves probes based on matches with the exact genomic locations to which they map.

Probe Sequence

Type a valid probe sequence in the box, or multiple sequences separated by pipe "|" characters. The search returns probes whose sequences are exact matches.

To upload search sequences from a file, click Upload. See Upload data for probe searches.

  1. Set the rest of the criteria for the search. Folder and Species are required. These criteria further limit the list of returned probes.




(Required) Select AgilentCatalog from the list. Currently, Exon probes can only be found in the AgilentCatalog folder. To include the subfolders of the folder in your search, mark Include Subfolders.


(Required) Select the desired species from the list. Exon probes are available only for the species that appear in the list.

Used in Probe Groups

If you set this criterion, the search returns probes only from the specified probe group(s). To specify probe groups, click Select and Add. See Select probe groups for probe searches.

Used in Array Designs

If you set this criterion, the search returns probes only from the specified microarray design(s). To specify microarray designs, click Select and Add. A microarray selection window appears. This selection window functions similarly to the one for probe groups described in Select probe groups for probe searches.

  1. Click Search.

    When eArray finishes the search, a Search Results pane appears, with the probes that match your search criteria. The search returns both Exon probes and standard Expression probes that map to exons. From this pane, you can take action on the probes in the search results:

See also

Searching for probes

Example of an Exon probe search