Download probes |
This topic describes how to download probes that are retrieved by the Search Standard Probes, GO Probe Search, or Exon probe search tools. Other topics address how to download probes from the results of HD Searches, GE Probe Design, Simple Tiling, Genomic Tiling, and GE Probe Check.
eArray lets you download files that contain probes from probe search results in TDT, FASTA, COMPLETE, or MINIMAL file formats. You can download both filtered (when probe filtering is available) and unfiltered lists, and you can also select specific probes from your search results to include or exclude.
Note: You cannot download Agilent SNP probes.
Use the Search
Standard Probes, GO Probe Search,
or Exon probe search tools
to perform a search
for probes.
A search results pane appears, with the probes that match your search
In the Search Results pane, select one or more probes to include in your downloaded file. Use the following as a guide:
To select an individual probe, mark the check box in its row.
To go to another page of results, use the Pages links. eArray remembers the probes that you select as you go from page to page.
To reverse the order of probes in the list, click the Probe ID column heading. For microRNA probes, the probes are initially sorted by microRNA Name. To reverse the order of microRNA probes in the list, click the microRNA Name column heading.
To apply your default filter to the probe list (when probe filtering is available), click Apply Default Filter. See Apply a probe filter. Probe filters are not available for microRNA and SureSelect Capture Array type probes.
To apply one of the available probe filters to your probe list (when probe filtering is available), click Filter. See Apply a probe filter. Probe filters are not available for microRNA and SureSelect Capture Array type probes.
To select all of the probes on the current page, mark the check box in the heading row of the search results.
select all of the probes on every page of the search results,
mark Select Entire Result.
Click Download.
A file type selection window appears.
Select the desired file type:
TDT — Tab delimited text file that contains the probe attributes indicated in the table below.
FASTA — FASTA format text file that contains the probe attributes indicated in the table below.
COMPLETE — Tab delimited text file that contains the probe attributes indicated in the table below.
MINIMAL — Tab delimited text file that contains the probe attributes indicated in the table below.
Attribute |
ProbeID |
Sequence |
TargetID |
Species |
GeneName |
GeneSymbol |
Description |
ControlType |
Accessions |
ProbeGroups |
Status |
ValidationMethod |
Chromosomal Location |
Cytoband |
– Attribute included in file format
Click Download.
A dialog box appears.
Click Save.
A Save As dialog box appears.
Select a location for your downloaded
file, then click Save.
eArray downloads the probe file as a .zip archive.
You can extract your downloaded file from the .zip archive and view
it with a word processing or spreadsheet program.
See also
Overview of searching for probes
Overview of working with probes
Download microarray design/set