Download, update, request quotes for, or buy microarrays and libraries

Downloading microarrays

To download microarray designs and sets, see Download microarray design/set. To download libraries, see Download library. You can also download other content from eArray — see How to download files.

Obtaining microarray updates

You can subscribe to microarray update notification for a specific microarray. Agilent sends you an e-mail when the annotation changes for any Agilent probe used in that microarray. Agilent also notifies you if the content of an Agilent catalog microarray changes significantly.

For information about probe annotations and why they change, see:

What are the various kinds of annotation

Annotation changes

To obtain updates for a bait library that uses Agilent baits, see Subscribe to library updates.

Requesting a quote for a microarray or library

To request a price quote for Agilent catalog microarrays or your own custom microarrays, see Request a quote/Buy online. To request a quote for a bait library for target enrichment, see Request quote for library/Buy online.

Buying microarrays and libraries from the Agilent Online Store

If you have purchased products from Agilent in the past, you can buy microarrays and libraries from the Agilent Online Store through eArray. To buy microarrays, see Request a quote/Buy online. To buy libraries, see Request quote for library/Buy online.