How to download files

You can download most types of data contained in eArray. In general, you download file(s) when you view search results and other lists.

Also, eArray automatically deletes probes, probe groups, and microarray designs/sets six months after their creation/edit date, per Agilent's data clean-up policy. One way to retain important content is to download it.

Before you download files

To download files

Click a link in the table below for instructions on a specific type of download.



Download probes

Download files that contain probes from probe search results in TDT, FASTA, COMPLETE or MINIMAL file formats. You can download both filtered and unfiltered lists, and you can also select specific probes from your search results to include or exclude.

Download High Density (HD) probes

Download a BED format file of probes from a High Density (HD) search.

Download GE Probe Design results

Download four types of GE Probe Design results: Summary, Details, Cluster File, and Target Fate. Download the probes and probe group produced by the GE Probe Design process in the same way that you download other probes and probe groups.

Download Simple Tiling results

Download three types of Simple Tiling results: Design Summary, Design Details (including the probe list and the sequences of the probes), and Target Fate.

Download Genomic Tiling results

Download Design Summary, Design Details (including the probe list and the sequences of the probes), and Target Fate results, and a BED format file that contains annotation track information for use with a compatible genome browser.

Download GE Probe Check results

Download the results of a GE Probe Check job. GE Probe Check analyzes an Expression type probe group or uploaded set of probes.

Download probe reannotation results

Download a TDT file that contains probes that have been reannotated with the latest annotation from public databases.

Download probe group

Download a TDT format file that contains probe sequence and annotation information, and basic probe details, such as probe ID, description, and status.

Download Catalog Gene Lists

Download a TDT format file that contains the list of probes and annotations from a selected Agilent Catalog microarray.

Download microarray design/set

Download any file associated with a microarray design, including the XML file needed for feature extraction, the TDT format file that specifies the design feature location for each of the probes on the array, and notes that are provided by the design creator. The TDT file is generated when a microarray design has a status of Review, and the other design files are generated only after the microarray design has a status of Complete or Submitted. You can also download other files that are attached to designs, such as hybridization and labeling protocols, and files of experimental results.

Download bait group

Download a TDT file that contains bait sequences and annotation (SureSelect Target Enrichment and SureSelect RNA Enrichment application types). You can also download several other files in other formats that contain subsets of this information.

Download bait library

Download any file associated with a bait library (SureSelect Target Enrichment and SureSelect RNA Enrichment application types). This includes the TDT format file that contains the list of baits and annotation for the library, and a BED file that you can view in a genome browser. The TDT file is available when the status of the library is Review. Both the TDT and BED files are available when the status of the library is Complete or Submitted.

Download DNA Analytics files

Download supplementary files for use in the Agilent DNA Analytics program, or in the CGH or ChIP applications in Agilent Genomic Workbench. These programs let you display and analyze data from CGH and ChIP microarrays.

Download GeneSpring files

Download supplementary files for use in the Agilent GeneSpring program. This program lets you display and analyze data from gene expression microarrays.

  See also

FASTA format files

TDT format files