Bait groups


A bait group is a collection of baits associated by a set of logical criteria. Bait groups create an intermediate level of organization for baits that makes it easier to create libraries. You first create bait groups, and then select the bait groups to include in a library. A given bait group can be included in any number of libraries.

eArray gives you many ways to create and manage bait groups, summarized in the table below. Click a link for more information.



Search for bait groups

Find bait groups in the eArray database that match specified search criteria.

Browse bait groups

View lists of available bait groups by folder, or by category.

View bait group

View information about a bait group, including its list of baits.

Create bait group

Associate specified baits with each other. You can use bait searches, uploads, or other bait creation methods as the basis.

Copy bait group

Create a new bait group that uses an existing one as a template.

Edit bait group

Change the attributes of a bait group. You can also add and remove baits from the bait group.

Move bait groups

Move bait groups to a different folder, or move bait groups in or out of a collaboration.

Download bait group

Save bait group files to your computer.

Delete bait group

Permanently remove a bait group from eArray.

Share bait group

Move a bait group to a new or existing collaboration. Creates a new collaboration as part of the process, if needed.

See also

SureSelect Target Enrichment libraries

SureSelect RNA Enrichment libraries


Libraries and library sets