How to set up eArray

If you are a workgroup administrator, you set up eArray for the users in your workgroup after Agilent approves your workgroup's registration and sets up your workgroup administrator account. Setting up eArray is a flexible process, but you may wish follow these steps:

  1. Log in to eArray and familiarize yourself with the features, structure, and navigation of the site. The help topics Learn to navigate eArray and Folders, roles, and privileges in eArray may be especially useful.

  2. Create an initial folder structure for the workgroup. A newly-created workgroup has only one folder, the workgroup's main folder, but you can add subfolders to it. One structure that may work for your workgroup is to create subfolders for specific workgroup areas of interest, and then create subfolders within these for the individual users involved in each area. You do not need to set up the entire workgroup folder structure — individual users can also add subfolders as needed, provided you grant them the appropriate access privileges. You can also alter the structure later.

  3. Add user accounts to the workgroup. You can create new user accounts yourself, and inform the new users of the login names and initial passwords you created for them. Alternatively, workgroup members can go to the eArray Web site ( and register themselves. If they do this, eArray notifies you by e-mail. You then search for the users. These users have already specified their login names, contact information, and passwords, so all you need to do is to enable their accounts.

  4. Set user access privileges. When you set access privileges, you define the folders that each user can access.

The users in your workgroup can now log in to eArray. After the initial set-up process, you can still add more users to your workgroup. It will also eventually be necessary for you to perform other administrative tasks, such as resetting user passwords, and deleting or disabling user accounts. See Tasks a workgroup administrator can perform for a more detailed list.

See also

How to get started

System Requirements