How to get started

eArray is an extensive, flexible Web-based application that you can use in many ways. This topic explains how to get set up in eArray, and how to get an overview of some of eArray's main tasks. You must log in to eArray as a registered user to access most of its features.

Before you get started

To get started

  1. Log in to eArray.

  2. Familiarize yourself with eArray's features and user interface. See Learn to navigate eArray. If you are an eArray default user (a "regular" non-administrative user), you can perform the tasks that are summarized in Tasks a default user can perform. If you are a workgroup administrator, you can perform the tasks that are summarized in Tasks a workgroup administrator can perform, in addition to all tasks available to default users. Guest users have only limited access to eArray.

    The main content types in eArray are:

In general, to take action on existing content items, you first find them with eArray's search or browse tools. You then click links or buttons to apply commands. To introduce new content into eArray, you can upload it, assemble it from existing content, or process existing or uploaded content.

  1. See the following topics for overviews of some of the main tasks you can accomplish in eArray.

View available content

Create a microarray design/set with Agilent probes

Create a microarray design/set with your own probes

Use a wizard to create a microarray design/set

Create a bait library

Download, update, request quotes for, or buy microarrays and libraries

Collaborate with others in eArray