Tasks a default user can perform

If you are a registered user, you can perform the following tasks in eArray:




Search probes

To search for probes for custom microarrays. Available search methods include Search Your Probes, GO Search, High Density Probe Search, Exon probe search, and SNP Probe Search.

Upload probes

To add probes to eArray by uploading a file containing probe sequence data.

GE Probe Design

To create probes based on uploaded target sequences

Simple Tiling

To create Expression type probes based on spanning uploaded target sequences.

Genomic Tiling

To create CGH, ChIP, and SureSelect Capture Array type probes based on spanning defined genomic regions.

GE Probe Check

To see if your Expression type probes will work on the Agilent platform, using Agilent protocols. Analyze Expression type probes to identify potential targets and cross-hybridization problems.

View probes

To view probe sequences, statistics, annotations, and accessions.

Reannotate probes

To create a downloadable probe file with updated annotation from public databases, based on probes you upload, or on probes in selected probe groups.

Calculate probe performance scores

To assess the likelihood that a probe will produce a good log ratio response when it is used in a CGH or ChIP microarray on the Agilent platform.

Monitor probe annotation changes

To subscribe to be notified when probe annotations change.

Filter probes

To temporarily remove probes from a list of probes, based on criteria such as Tm, base composition, and length.

Create/Edit probe filters

To create or change a custom probe filter.

Delete probes

To permanently remove unused probes from eArray.

Probe Groups

Search probe groups

To search eArray for available probe groups.

Browse probe groups

To produce a list of probe groups contained within a selected folder, or associated with a selected category.

Compare probe groups

To compare two probe groups based on the sequences of the probes, or based on unique Agilent probe names.

Create probe groups

To define groups of probes by selecting probes of interest, by making changes to an existing probe group, by using HD search results, GE Probe Design results, Simple Tiling results, Genomic Tiling results, probe group comparison results, GE Probe Check results, or by uploading probe sequence data.

Copy probe group

To make a duplicate copy of a probe group. Copying a probe group is the first step in creating a probe group using an existing one as a template, and can also be useful if you want  to move or share a probe group that is in use, or that you do not own.

View probe group

To view the attributes of available probe groups

Edit probe group

To edit attributes of a probe group, such as its name, description, associated keywords, status, or annotations.

Move probe group

To move a probe group to a different folder.

Share probe group

To move a probe group to a new or existing collaboration. The process creates a new collaboration, if needed.

Delete probe group

To permanently remove a probe group from eArray.

Microarray Designs and Sets

Search microarray designs/sets

To search for available existing microarray designs or sets based on attributes such as species, application type, or design format.

Search for eArrayXD microarray designs

To search for microarray designs that you have submitted to Agilent through the eArrayXD program of Agilent Genomic Workbench.

Browse microarrays

To produce a list of microarray designs/sets contained within a selected folder, or associated with a selected category.

Create microarray design/set

To produce the design files that specify all details of a microarray design or set. You can create designs that use existing probe groups, that use another design as a template, or that use uploaded probes. Design wizards are also available that lead you through the array creation and submission process.

View microarray designs/sets

To view the attributes of available microarray designs/sets, such as design format, status, and included probe groups, or to view attachments.

Edit microarray design/set

To change attributes of microarray designs/sets, such as design format, status, and included probe groups.

Delete microarray design/set

To permanently remove a microarray design/set from eArray.

Review microarray design/set

To examine and make changes to another user's microarray design or set.

Submit microarray design/set

To send microarray design files to Agilent Manufacturing, making them available for a price quote.

Request a quote/Buy online

To obtain a price quotation from Agilent for a particular quantity of a microarray or bait library.

Subscribe to microarray design updates

To request notification from Agilent when microarray designs, or annotations associated with them, change.

Convert microarray format

To change the design format of a microarray design/set.

Convert obsolete designs/sets

To update the format of a microarray design/set when its original design format is no longer available.

Move microarray design/set

To move a microarray design/set to a different folder.

Share microarray design/set

To share microarray designs/sets with others in a new or existing collaboration workspace. The process creates a new collaboration, if needed.


Create a collaboration

To create a shared workspace where people can work together on microarray designs, and to invite others to join it.

Participate in a collaboration

To work with others on microarray designs in a shared workspace.

Manage a collaboration

To manage the invitations, folders, and users in a collaboration.

Other Tasks

Change personal information

To edit your contact information and password.

Add/Delete/Rename subfolders

To update the folder structure of your eArray data.

Download files

To download probes, probe groups, microarray designs, and related files.

See also

Folders, roles, and privileges in eArray

Tasks a workgroup administrator can perform

Tasks a guest user can perform