View available content

eArray's extensive search and browse tools let you retrieve and view available content, both from the Agilent Catalog and from your own folders. When you do a search, you specify search criteria, and eArray retrieves content that matches. When you browse, you select a specific folder, and eArray lists the content within it. If your workgroup administrator has set up browse categories for your workgroup, you can also browse workgroup content by categories.

The main content types in eArray are:

The table below summarizes the specific search and browse tools available to you in eArray. Click the links in the table below for more information. The availability of tools varies by application type.

To view available

Use these tools


Search Your Probes

GO probe search

High Density (HD) probe search

SNP probe search

Exon probe search

Probe groups

Probe group search

Browse probe groups

Microarray designs and sets

Microarray design/set search

Browse microarray designs

Browse microarray sets

eArrayXD design search

Baits, bait groups, and bait libraries

Bait search

Bait group search

Browse bait groups

Library search

Browse Libraries

eArrayXD library search

After you search or browse, you can apply a filter to customize the results. Probe filters are especially sophisticated, and let you apply an Agilent probe filter or your own custom probe filter to your probe search results. Search and Browse results are also the main gateway to the actions you can take on most content items.

See also

How to get started

Learn to navigate eArray